One’s weakness should not ever be revealed.
CHANAKYAThe one excellent thing that can be learned from a lion is that whatever a man intends doing should be done by him with a whole-hearted and strenuous effort.
More Chanakya Quotes
The foolish wish to speak out what was spoken in secret by the master.
Water is the medicine for indigestion; it is invigorating when the food that is eaten is well digested; it is like nectar when drunk in the middle of a dinner; and it is like poison when taken at the end of a meal.
Those base men who speak of the secret faults of others destroy themselves like serpents that stray onto anthills.
Time perfects all living beings as well as kills them; it alone is awake when all others are asleep. Time is insurmountable.
The one excellent thing that can be learned from a lion is that whatever a man intends doing should be done by him with a whole-hearted and strenuous effort.
It is better to live under a tree in a jungle inhabited by tigers and elephants, to maintain oneself in such a place with ripe fruits and spring water, to lie down on grass and to wear the ragged barks of trees than to live amongst one’s relations when reduced to poverty.
The forest fire burns even tree like sandalwood.
Till the enemy’s weakness is known , he should be kept on friendly terms.
Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous.
Sinfully acquired wealth may remain for ten years; in the eleventh year it disappears with even the original stock.
Let not a single day pass without your learning a verse, half a verse, or a fourth of it, or even one letter of it; nor without attending to charity, study and other pious activity.
A low-minded person should not be given good advice.
What vice could be worse than covetousness? What is more sinful than slander? For one who is truthful, what need is there for austerity? For one who has a clean heart, what is the need for pilgrimage?
A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first.
Virtuous persons and fruit-laden trees bow, but fools and dry sticks break because they do not bend.