You have actually waltzed with tremendous style, my sweet, O my sweet, crushed angel.
HAFEZThe heart is a thousand stringed instrument that can only be tuned with love.
More Hafez Quotes
Oh, you who are trying to learn the marvel of Love through the copy book of reason, I’m very much afraid that you will never really see the point.
The Truth has shared so much of Itself with me That I can no longer call myself A man, a woman, an angel, Or even pure Soul.
We are People who need to love, because Love is the soul’s life, Love is simply creation’s greatest joy.
Let tenderness pour from your eyes, the way sun gazes warmly on earth.
Grieve not because thou understand-not life’s mystery; behind the veil is concealed many a delight.
Run my dear, From anything, That may not strengthen, Your precious budding wings.
You ache with loneliness one night so much you weep and I say ‘here is a rope tie it around me Hafiz will be your companion for life’.
The Earth would die If the sun stopped kissing her.
Now is the time to know that all that you do is sacred Now is the time for you to deeply compute the impossibility that there is anything but grace.
I rarely let the word NO escape from my mouth, because it is so plain to my soul that God has shouted, Yes! Yes! Yes! To every luminous movement in existence.
How did the rose ever open its heart and give to this world all of its beauty? It felt the encouragement of Light against its being; otherwise we all remain too frightened.
The great religions are the ships, Poets the life boats. Every sane person I know has jumped overboard.
Everyone Is God speaking. Why not be polite and Listen to Him?
Start seeing everything as God, But keep it a secret.
Come Dance with Me , come dance.