The sons of Adam are formed from dust; if not humble as the dust, they fall short of being men.
SAADIShut the door of that house of pleasure which you hear resounding with the loud voice of a woman.
More Saadi Quotes
He who is indifferent to the suffering of others is a traitor to that which is truly human.
He who is intoxicated with wine will be sober again in the course of the night, but he who is intoxicated by the cupbearer will not recover his senses until the day of judgement.
Every person thinks his own intellect perfect, and his own child handsome.
Whenever you argue with another wiser than yourself in order that others may admire your wisdom, they will discover your ignorance.
Use a sweet tongue, courtesy, and gentleness, and thou mayest manage to guide an elephant by a hair.
Be thou good thyself, and let people speak evil of thee; it is better than to be wicked, and that they should consider thee as good.
Have patience. Everything is difficult before it is easy.
In the sea there are countless treasures, But if you desire safety, it is on the shore.
Do good even to the wicked; it is as well to shut a dog’s mouth with a crumb.
Oh God, I say not hear my prayers! I say: Blot with forgiving pen my sins away!
It’s no virtue to gain the whole world. Just gain the heart of one person.
If a piece of worthless stone can bruise a cup of gold, its worth is not increased, nor that of the gold diminished.
A little beauty is preferable to much wealth.
I fear God and next to God I mostly fear them that fear him not.
A man is insensible to the relish of prosperity until he has tasted adversity.