No law can possibly meet the convenience of every one: we must be satisfied if it be beneficial on the whole and to the majority.
LIVYAdversity reminds men of religion.
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Nothing is so uncertain or unpredictable as the feelings of a crowd.
Envy is blind, and is only clever in depreciating the virtues of others.
Men are slower to recognize blessings than evils.
Men are seldom blessed with good fortune and good sense at the same time.
Fame opportunely despised often comes back redoubled.
No law is sufficiently convenient to all.
Such is the nature of crowds: either they are humble and servile or arrogant and dominating. They are incapable of making moderate use of freedom, which is the middle course, or of keeping it.
No one wants to be excelled by his relatives.
Adversity reminds men of religion.
Law is a thing which is insensible, and inexorable, more beneficial and more profitious to the weak than to the strong; it admits of no mitigation nor pardon, once you have overstepped its limits.
I have often heard that the outstanding man is he who thinks deeply about a problem, and the next is he who listens carefully to advice.
This above all makes history useful and desirable; it unfolds before our eyes a glorious record of exemplary actions.
It is easy at any moment to resign the possession of a great fortune; to acquire it is difficult and arduous.
Those ills are easiest to bear with which we are most familiar.
Law is a thing which is insensible, and inexorable, more beneficial and more profitious to the weak than to the strong; it admits of no mitigation nor pardon, once you have overstepped its limits.