When you’re chasing your dreams in life remember God comes first.
6IX9INETwo things I never seen in my life is 1. A UFO 2. A Bitch I Need.
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What I hate the most. Not everyone in the industry wants to see me win. I proved to everyone that I am better than them and the most important thing is to be here.
I’m starting to love myself for being the disrespectful nigga that I am.
You just have to keep pushing. When someone hates on you – IT DOESN’T mean they dislike you. They have this fear of themselves not being able to accomplish their dream SO they bring down others to keep them satisfied.
I will continue my journey to find happiness within myself and find the joy I once had.
I love my people and I love that God has blessed me to bless others.
The fame and the money doesn’t mean anything to me because it doesn’t bring me joy.
Two things I never seen in my life is 1. A UFO 2. A Bitch I Need.
Life is what you make it. If I made it, I’ll try all in my power for all of us to make it.
When I’m in the picture nobody else matters.